PCA Sim Racing
In the last few years sim racing has experienced accelerated growth in active participants and time on-track. This phenomenon has not gone unnoticed by Porsche and the Porsche communities worldwide. So, what is sim racing all about?
In essence sim racing is about accurately simulating auto racing through personal computer software. Sim racing has been around for quite a while and is sophisticated and comprehensive today, with real-world (car dependent) variables such as fuel usage, damage, tire wear and grip, brake pad compound, aero settings, suspension settings, differential specs, energy recovery systems, motor generator units, and (laser scanned) real world racetracks.
PCA has embraced iRacing as platform for PCA sim racing. Through the PCA Sim Racing program, our PNWR members can develop new/strengthen friendships, learn from others, and contribute to other's success by getting together in sim racing eDE sessions, practice sessions, sim racing series, zone series, or the team series. There is also an opportunity to raise money for charity.
The program is sponsored by Porsche, next to HAGERTY Motorsports, Pirelli, Michelin, and Z1 Dashboard & Analyzer.